Free interviews and public articles

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Interview: With Craig Hemke

December 31st 2019:

Topics covered include the breakdown of the US bond market also President Trump forced to continue the music with plates spinning also the big European banks in severe trouble if not crisis mode lastly the Wall Street hedge fund blowup from Algorithm trading and resulting chaos.

Interview: With Crypto Blood

December 21st 2019:

Long discussion with topics covered from all manner of bond market crisis and activity

Interview: With BitCoin Ben

December 12th 2019:

Topics covered include the REPO window to USTreasury Bond market also the big US banks in severe trouble if not crisis mode where the USFed is accepting all kinds of impaired assets.

Interview: Craig Hemke on Gadfly with Jim Willie as host

December 10th 2019:

Topics covered include the REPO window to USTreasury Bond market also the major Western banks in severe trouble if not crisis mode in addition the Wall Street hedge fund blowup from Algorithm trading with chaos.

Article: "Hidden Failure of SIFI Banks"

November 29th 2019:

Numerous big SIFI banks are in bankruptcy, as this is my opinion, they are Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, HSBC, and JPMorgue, not a single big bank can be permitted to enter failure, or else several will go down together. There is not much difference between a perceived re-ordering and adjustment of the balance sheet with assets and debts versus an actual bankruptcy with debt restructure. I believe the new norm will be hidden big bank failures, these four banks cannot manage their derivative books in a changing world the Petro-Dollar is almost completely gone, and the Bond Crisis has brought new powerful stress the Gold market is possibly entering a deadly final phase from lost corrupt control.

Article: "Plethora of Potential Crisis Triggers"

November 19th 2019:

The entire US financial bond market is a tinderbox ready to catch fire many are the triggers of a full blown global bond crisis. Infinite QE Forever is here, given the astonishing volume of official bond support over a dozen highly reliable and likely trigger events are identified with some already having been ignited. The Gold price will double, and the Silver price will triple… all in time. The bond market is the burning building, and the Gold market is the true sanctuary, con gusto.

Interview: With Chris Marcus

November 15th 2019:

Topics covered include various de-Dollarization matters explanation of the lost control of crude oil market from lower USD usage.

Interview: With Dave from X22 Report Spotlight

November 14th 2019: Topics covered include:

  • possible hidden devastating failures of systemically important financial institutions (SIFI)
  • candidates for hidden failures are JPMorgan, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, HSBC
  • the growing bond market crisis that has erupted
  • daily bond purchases of $250bn which qualifies as Infinite QE Forever in Weimar Amerrka
  • multiple derivative problem areas in Petro-Dollar, Swiss Gold-USD, Interest Rate Swaps
  • he sham ARAMCO stock offering and Russia/Chinese role to take control
  • a debate on the collateral damage from Trump trade war with China

Duration: 1 hour 35 min

Interview: With Sean from SGT Report

October 17th 2019: Topics covered include:

  • bond market crisis in gathering storm
  • USGovt fiscal funding crisis here & now
  • lesson on bond market levers & gears
  • Infinite QE Forever kicking into gear (despite denials & lies)
  • USDollar managers losing control of oil trade
  • second class USMilitary with consequence to defend USDollar
  • numerous potential triggers to cause major financial crisis
  • focus on Bond, USDollar, Gold during the unfolding crisis

Interview: With Dustin Nemos

September 29th 2019: Topics covered include two main themes:

  • the erupting USTreasury Bond market in its many parts, with didactic explanations
  • the developing Gold Standard in its many elements, with emerging progress

Duration: 1 hour 10 min

Interview: With Jeff Berwick (Dollar Vigilante)

September 21st 2019: Topics covered include the following:

  • the string of 15 forecasts coming to reality in the last few months
  • it signals the raging bond market crisis underway with global USDollar revolt
  • the bond market internals which have gone haywire
  • the abuse of REPO function, which means the QE back door in usage
  • the false flag attack on Saudi oil facilities
  • it seems no impact on their oil output either
  • the United States step by step will find itself with a powerful isolation

Duration: 1 hour 20 min

Interview: With Dunagun at Reluctant Preppers

September 13th 2019: Covered topics were the recent 14 forecasts which are all kicking into gear. It means the Bond Market Crisis is accelerating and the main items are Gold Trade Note:

  • Germany flipping East
  • dismantled Petro-Dollar
  • expanding EurAsian Trade Zone with Iran’s role
  • SWIFT alternative transfer systems (non-USD)
  • Infinite QE Forever at Zero Bound
  • US isolation

Duration: 53 min

Article: King Dollar Paradox: Global Reserve

August 30st 2019: topics covered included:

  • the USDollar valuation continues to move higher, but from factors made from a paradox
  • foreign currencies are falling in value versus the USDollar, from a lower bid
  • lower USD volume in trade payment results in less foreign currency demand
  • lower USD volume in the many Belt & Road Initiative projects results in more US isolation
  • lower USD volume in the crude oil market results in a lower oil price plus a counter action in a higher USD value
  • the entire USTreasury Bond market has become a magnificent self-dealing game of corruption
  • the key to comprehending the rising USDollar is found in the global economic recession, in addition to the growing US isolation
  • less volume in USD is bidding for foreign currencies, from a weaker USEconomy and badly damaged foreign economies


Article: Infinite QE Forever at Zero Bound

July 31st 2019: topics covered included:

the USFed is backed into a corner
their tightening policy for the last three years has been a grand failure
the global economy has entering a profound decline
numerous are the unmistakable signals
the bond market crisis has begun to blossom, showing several sides of breakdown
the expectation is for a USFed rate cut and an expansion of bond purchases
my expectation is also for an expansion to monetize failing icon corporations

what comes next is Infinite QE Forever at the Zero Bound Rate
the major central banks will in essence be admitting a tremendous failure
the USFed must act or else a magnificent bond and stock decline could occur
but their action will not fix anything, just buy time
meanwhile, the Gold price will respond very favorably to the monetary policy change
in the last two months, the Gold price has correctly sniffed out the big monetary policy changes

Interview: With Dr William Mount

July 30th 2019: topics covered included:

  • preliminary points on USTreasury auction failures with Primary Bond Dealer distress and Yield Curve inversions, where foreign bond auctions do better since USGovt debt is worse collateral
  • launch of INSTEX payment system between Germany & Iran, soon joined by Russia, a new SWIFT alternative to gather momentum, which will vastly reduce European oil sales in USD terms
  • USFed moving toward Infinite QE Forever with Zero Bound Rates, which the Gold price has sniffed out and will continue to react with a price multiples higher, as the central banks must admit failure of monetary policy
  • multiple global systemic breakdown signals, which force a powerful reaction by central banks, with the QE return and 0% return, recognized by JPMorgan as serious coercion

Duration = 1 hrs total (20 min per part)

Interview: With Dave on X22 Report Spotlight

July 22nd 2019: topics covered include::

  • the USTreasury Bond as global subprime bond amidst a massive bond market crisis which has begun and will not stop until a global crisis erupts much larger than the Lehman crisis
  • the emergence of the Gold Trade Note used both for trade payment and sovereign level credit as guarantor with a gold collateral basis
  • the development of the Belt & Road Initiative whose projects have already produced US$600 billion in trade in the first half 2019
  • the evolution of the Dual Universe with USD vs RMB entrenched as the frontier nations of Germany & Iran & Saudi slug it out with both currencies in trade
  • the difficult position put upon the United States to participate within the Gold trade framework in order to prevent massive import supply shortages

Duration = 1 hrs 20 min total

Interview: With Prudent Mind site

July 8th 2019: topics covered numerous important key factors at work in the ongoing blossoming financial crisis
like these topics:

  • preliminary on 15 correct forecasts from the past 4 years, all coming into reality together
  • Deutsche Bank restructure, insolvency, and breakup with failure in progress
  • derivative risks and dependence upon Interest Rate Swap to finance USGovt debt
  • USTreasury Bond stresses, with huge US Corporate Bond abuses and downgrades
  • recognition of the USTreasury Bond as the new global subprime bond
  • the endangered USD-based oil trade, with shale sector default risk and collapse
  • the INSTEX bank transfer system by Germany to Iran, as an alternative to SWIFT,
    which the French & British joined also in defiance
  • the evolving Dual Universe with East in RMB trade, West in USD trade,
    with newfound frontier friction in Germany, Saudi, Iran, and Venezuela
  • the Gold price potential, and the Silver price potential, as result of Global Financial RESET

Duration = 2 hrs 20 min total

Interview: With Dustin Nemos

June 30rd 2019: topics covered include

  • the US vs China conflict with timing on accords
  • the Dual Universe coming into full view with USD Western sphere pitted against the RMB Eastern sphere, marked by severe battles in the frontier states like Germany, Saudi Arabia, and Iran

Public article: "USDollar Breakdown Begins"

June 16th 2019: The USDollar cannot withstand the high valuation
too much debt, too much missing money, too much bond market chicanery
the United States faces a unique situation of growing isolation amidst sanctions of its allies. The Gold price in USD terms has pierced the important $1400 level, however, the Gold price has broken out in Euro terms, in British Pound terms, in Swiss Franc terms, and very impressively in Australian Dollar terms. The long-awaited Gold bull market is in its first gear, it has finally arrived.

Interview: Interview with Sean on SGT Report

June 21st 2019: topics covered

  • The four pillars of Gold which will sustain the next Gold price breakout, in addition a discussion of the many apparent contradictions with President Trump

Interview: With Mark O'Byrne on GadFly

June 16th 2019: topics covered

  • A rich discussion of the various risks and challenges when owning a bullion vault account (aka digital gold account) with the founder of Gold Core secure vault service

Article: "Gold Standard Coming Into View"

June 16th 2019: topics covered

  • the blossoming bond crisis sets the stage
  • the USGovt debt faces a restructured bankruptcy
  • the Gold Standard has four legs which are effectively becoming apparent
    1. Gold Trade Note
    2. Basel-3 Rule Change
    3. Panda Bonds
    4. Regional Gold Currency 
  • the implementation will occur amidst the Dual Universe (USD vs RMB) the battles on the frontier states will be full of friction and divisiveness

Interview: With Craig Hemke at TFMetals

June 3rd 2019: Brief discussion on the global revolt against the King Dollar

  • with conflict against US enemies and bully tactics against US allies
  •  with mention of numerous hot spots like Deutsche Bank insolvency and stress zones across the political spectrum
  •  the Dual Universe (East-RMB, West-USD) taking firm shape with conflict on the frontier of Germany & Saudi & Iran
  •  as the Pacific Rim develops a gold trade payment system that could be centered upon the Gold Trade Note vehicle
  •  the result of all these developments being an extensive isolation for the United States

Duration: 35 min

Interview: With Silver Doctors

May 31st 2019: Topics covered include

  • the great USTreasury Bond dumping by the major central banks in swap for Gold bullion using closely aligned hidden firms
  • the naturally evolving Dual Universe as the USDollar managers refuse to move quickly into the Global RESET for retiring the USD as reserve currency
  •  the many elements of the Petro-Dollar demise in a process for over three years like Saudi ARAMCO building its Chinese currency ledger in their balance sheet
  •  the burgeoning Belt & Road Initiative with hundreds of projects whose funding might be handled by USTBond dumping (Indirect Exchange) for which all economic activity will be non-USD terms
  •  the Trump Admin trade accord delays with temper tantrums and distractions with accusations all laced with dishonor
  •  the lost trust and prestige for the United States with over a dozen cited shameful ways
  •  the TPX Triumvirate of Trump Putin Xi for managing the RESET transition without a global war which the NeoCon Globalist banker cabal strive toward on numerous fronts

Duration: 1 hour 20 min

Interview: With Dave at X22 Report

May 18th 2019: Several front & center topics pertaining to

  • the Global RESET and the transition with numerous steps toward the implementation of the Gold Standard
  • the many planks to the US-China trade deal, some agreed upon with some not quite ironed out, but the final dates are not set due to the extreme impact to come
  • core elements of Currency Reform (like Plaza Accord) plus the Gold Enforcement Mechanism (doubled Gold price)
  • Mexican analyst HSPrice exposes central bank conversion of USTreasury Bonds to Gold bullion, using private firms, all done off the balance sheet, currently being done!!
  • events reaching POINT OF INFLECTION which will accelerate the change, disruption, and reform of the global financial system
  • the reality for Belt & Road Initiative consortium of projects which will lift toward critical mass the RMB currency in trade payment
  • the North African industrial long-range plan to coordinate with linkage with Southern Europe and external energy supply (Qatar, Iran, Ethiopia)
  • the likely path for a new gold-backed USDollar, with profound fraud initially

Duration: 45 min

Interview: With Mr. Ferguson at TFMetals

April 20th 2019: major theme is four signals that assure the transition from the King Dollar Era to the Gold Standard

  1. massive jump in USGovt debt, massive US Corp Bond decline (fallen angels, debt zombies), and urgency to prevent massive USEconomic fallout, the USFed must adopt Infinite QE Forever.
  2.  the Belt & Road Initiative has incorporated diverse nations with $11 trillion in MOU commitments, to form a global critical mass, which will be non-USD in trade and banking, adopting the Gold Trade Note, soon to be recognized as the Global Economic RESET (minus the English speaking nations in ISOLATION)
  3. the turning by Saudi Arabia toward Russia in production and oil price policy, toward China in sales no longer in USD terms, with ARAMCO investment by R&C duo, complete with vast US seizures of the Saudi USTreasury Bonds.
  4. the Chinese RMB going international with Panda Bonds, trade deals in RMB terms, asset acquisitions, funding by Indirect Exchange for projects, with newly dominant Shanghai oil sales

Duration: 45 min

Interview: With Dustin Nemos

April 19th: topics covered include

  • Primary topic was gradual establishment of Infinite QE Forever by the USFed, so as to cover a large portion of major US Corporate Bonds as they become fallen angels and debt zombies, while the USGovt debt monetization becomes standard policy.
  • The central bank monetary policy to cover pan-US debt will signal to the global community that the King Dollar is on life support, comatose, and facing removal as the global currency reserve.
  • The result will be accelerated adoption of the Gold Standard, first in trade payment, then in bank reserves

Duration: 1 hour

Interview: With SGT Report

April 10th: topics covered include

  • Several key hot buttons in the blossoming global financial crisis which qualify as an armada of black swans unlike anything seen in several years amidst a magnificent departure from the normalcy bias.
  • Next the Basel 3 Rule will lead to even the Western central banks loading up on gold reserves, surely in secrecy and clearly with anti-gold propaganda continuing, with the ultimate plan to execute from the BIS Basel playbook which will result in a Gold price several times higher in order to resolve the primary insolvency for the entire central bank franchise system

An Armada of Black Swans

Interview: With Silver Doctors

March 30th, April 2nd: topics covered include

  • USGovt & USEconomy troubles with deficits and debts make very difficult any pursuit of a gold-backed USDollar for lost gold immediately (e.g. 19,000 tons in first year at $1300 Gold price)
  • the pattern for USGovt to steal gold from wars in order to redeem claims at the New York Fed
  • the likely path toward the Dual Universe with the West under the USD and the East under the RMB currency as path of least resistance
  • the sad state of American public ignorance on most financial matters
  • the currency crisis threat to the King Dollar from chronic monetized purchase of its own debt (see Zimbabwe)
  • the new deadly trend of fallen angels when leading US corporations suffer BBB debt downgrade
  • the upcoming $1 trillion in US corp bond downgrades to junk status
  • the growing Belt & Road Initiative led by China with $11 trillion in commitments toward major projects which when completed will all be non-USD in trade
  • China woos Italy and France with success as it seeks four Italian port facilities

Interview: With Dave at X22 Report Spotlight

March 23rd 2019: Big hot areas which currently present significant risks.

    • Infinite QE Forever that could soon cover impaired US corporate bonds
    • USDollar rejection in global revolt
    • Germany breaking away from US fold and embrace of Russia
    • Description of Gold Trade Note with its function built around Gold-Oil-RMB futures contract in bilateral quarterly settlement
    • Gold Trade Note that could cover Arab oil purchases
    • Longstanding Chinese purchase of Saudi oil in RMB payments
    • RMB becomes a caretaker currency for transition to Gold Standard in form of GTNote
    • The process of dumping USTreasurys in favor of Gold for banking reserves
    • Competition with valid new currency forms in order to guarantee import supply
    • Illegitimate tainted USGovt debt is securitized without assurance of passing audit
    • QE wrecked the entire bond market with inclusion of US corporate bonds
    • Risk of up to $1 trillion in BBB bonds downgraded to junk status
    • USGovt on track for at least $1.3 trillion in deficit this fiscal year
    • US must cover the debt and source the gold and re-industrialize the national economy
    • Indication is for fraudulent gold-backed USDollar
    • New industry potentially in robotics, artificial intelligence, superchips, advanced telecomm
    • Lack of capital puts United States at risk of falling into Third World
    • mass of stock market capital could possibly shift to re-industrialize the USEconomy
    • USA is in a point of flux for implementing remedy
    • USGovt will be challenged for independent audit on its gold reserves
    • Budget deficit is a big fat lie with pro-forma methods with one-off items
    • New financial statement and accounting permitted as fraudulent
    • Quarterly USDept Commerce line items in Industrial Supply & Metals as restitution for Clinton shipping tungsten bars
    • USEconomy set to suffer import supply shortage
    • The USFed could be proved in numerous deeds of criminality
    • The Basel bankers leading the franchise central banks loading up on gold before the price triples
    • Theft of Fort Knox gold by Clinton & Papa Bush using Panama routes
      and much more


Article: Consequences of Lost Global Reserve Status

March 11th 2019: major factors are at work to push the Gold price up.
QE Forever, Shanghai SGE gold market, new Basel gold rules.
The last ten years have created the new global subprime bond — USTreasury Bonds.
A perfect storm has developed with several dangerous sides.
Numerous steps have begun, all in progress, where nothing can stop the procedure.
The global rebellion against the King Dollar has created a Dual Universe.
The East will drive the process, with many disruptive events assured.
Expect Gold Trade Note introduction.
Expect banking system failures, followed by monetization of the big banks.
Expect discharge of USTBonds in banking reserves, in favor of purchased Gold bullion.
Expect battles for global resources and derivative collapse.
The United States must conform to the new reality in an honest legitimate manner, or else face the risk of isolation, perhaps even falling into the Third World.

Article: Gold Breakout: Three Major Factors

February 25th 2019: Gold fundamentals are seeing 3 major factors at work positively. A Gold price breakout is imminent, or else very soon. 1) QE is the internal factor, from a new QE FOREVER to be announced. It is urgently required to avoid a systemic breakdown. 2) SGE is the external factor, from the Shanghai Gold-RMB window. It assures the death of the LBMA gold market and the demise of the USDollar itself. 3) BIS is the systemic factor, from the Basel Plan kicking into gear. It calls for Gold counted as Tier-1 Asset in the banking reserves system. Many details surround each of the 3 major factors. The major central banks are all insolvent after serving as bond buyers of last resort. The Basel Plan calls for a much higher Gold price after significant acquisition by central banks, in order to restore them to health. The QE monetary policy for the last seven years has created a terrible reality: US TREASURY BONDS ARE THE GLOBAL SUBPRIME BOND. The Gold price is looking strong in short-term, intermediate term, and long-term. The Global Financial Crisis grows worse by the month, and it will blossom in a magnificent manner.

Interview: Mark OByrne of Gold Core as Jim Willie’s Gadfly Guest

February 14th 2019:

Introductory topics include Global Financial Crisis redux which has begun to blossom, nothing having been resolved or fixed since 2008,whereby the USTreasury Bond has become the global subprime bond, but while the USDollar has lost its magic power as global safe haven, during the crisis which has hit both the sovereign bond sector and the corporate bond sector, threatening the entire Emerging Market debt which could be $8 or more trillion in size, at the same time rendering most banking systems as insolvent and most financial markets as rigged, during a powerful chronic economic recession primarily hitting the Western world.

O’Byrne goes on to describe the Gold Core business of precious metals purchase and delivery, but with the much bigger side of the business being secure vault service in several global locations, after having made distinctions regarding various locations for their jurisdiction differences.

The recording is within the public domain, as a public service Gadfly promotional segment.

Duration: 50 min.

Interview: Dustin Nemos

January 29th 2019:
Topics covered include:

  • The numerous background elements in the blossoming crisis in bonds & banks
  • Some history of Chinese role in 2007 subprime mortgage bond crisis
  • The growing number of gold platforms, broad-based de-Dollarization
  • Eventual launch of the Gold Trade Note for trade payment (watch Chinese purchase of Arab/Iran oil)
  • The new phenomenon of Belt & Road Initiative construction projects (none in USD terms)
  • Details on the Global Financial Crisis which features the USTreasurys as new global subprime bond (dumped, avoided, used as Indirect Exchange)
  • The various immediate workarounds to bypass USGovt sanctions (growing desperation) which lead to US isolation
  • The Germans leading the charge in SWIFT alternatives
  • Several Third World qualifications for the United States financial status
  • With a concluding topic of vaccination dangers with withheld cancer cures (see GcMAF cure, and Nagalese immune suppressant)

Archive of older interviews and articles